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> May 2019
You gonna Eat that?
Harrison Ford on Indiana Jones Future
Hacking didn’t land the job
Graduation advice
Amazon is creating jobs
It’s getting too easy to create fake videos
Bring your pet!
New Cereal this summer
Bachelor in court, here's the verdict
Tower Death in Alleman today
This First Dance is different
Keep the kids busy
National Tire week, check yours!
NEW COKE IS BACK....for a bit
Game of Thrones blooper
Meat Wars
It’s ok to be a crazy cat lady
Jonas Brothers and their new merch
90's struggles that were very real
Styrofoam Alternatives are coming
The Odd Couple at home
Social Media bad, maybe
What defines wealthy
Makin Money
Low on sleep, that's bad
Sugar with your coffee
Old Phone scam is back
Air pollution in the parks
Summer brings new Oreo Flavors
Bedrooms around the world
Helium balloons a thing of the past?
JB and ED maybe in trouble
Britney’s Hospital Stay
Best job market in years, top jobs
Big Brother in China
Life Expectancy up
Energy drink addiction
On Line medical stuff....
Florida is giving away lighthouses
Amazon Alexa exist after you delete
Are books back?
Starbucks won BIG
When you need to look like you are partying
Mother nature is amazing
New driving tax, are you ready
Do you know someone that vapes?
Curving is the new Ghosting
Low calorie sweetened beverage trick
Americas Most irrigated Crop
Sunscreen, getting into your system
Solutions for problems that didn’t exist.
Jobs for your kids…
Struggle with sleep, this might help
Kelly Clarkson's Billboard after party kind of sucked
Safest for online Dating
Joe Jonas is all grown up and Married
Billboard Music Awards winners
Pet owners beware
Kellys Top moments
What are the top celebs making
Jack and Coke Popsicles
Prom season, do you go alone?
Green Slime Ice Cream is coming