Weather and crummy roads

We are looking at some dicey weather again this weekend and what’s going to happen is best described as your guess is as good as mine. It could be rain, it could be freezing rain….maybe even snow. As you are out be careful and pay attention to the road and be prepared for emergencies. Last night on my way home there was a car in the ditch on the Slater blacktop, about a mile north of the luther blacktop. 2 guys were trying to help the young lady get un-stuck. I turned around and offered a shovel and one kid said “I need to get a shovel in my car”…I felt like I had introduced sliced bread to him for the first time. Long story short, 6 people ended up on the scene and between digging and pushing we got her out of theditch. My favorite line of the night, the last person that showed up yelled “Stay off the phone”…roads weren’t slick, it was pretty obvious she had been on her phone and drove into the ditch. Don’t text and drive and be careful this weekend. The photo was this morning....long after she was freed from the ditch.

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