Yesterday I took my son to get his driver license. He turned 16 on Sunday and of course wanted to be mobile ASAP. We went to the Ankeny location to knock this out. It was non-eventful because he had been driving on a school permit for just over a year. With that said here was the shocker, you know that joke about what a nightmare the DL station is….how you wait in line for HOURS. I went in to do some renewal stuff a couple of weeks ago and found that to be very true but when it’s the 4pm hour and you’re looking at the end of the work day they blow through people a whole lot faster. The numbers that flash on the screen weren’t even close to the where people were in line. 532 may have flashed but we were 550 and were already sitting down. My question, if they can do that so quick at the end of the day why can’t it happen the rest of the day? All in all though, it was pretty quick. Right at an hour…must be some sort of record.
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